How we use our time of the day impacts what we can accomplish in the long run. While we all get the same 24 hours, having the capacity and energy to utilise your hours to the optimum will give you more room for other tasks. Your biological clock is important to be stable to improve your daily shenanigans. If you know when to do certain tasks at certain times, your productivity will significantly increase.
Your Biological Clock
How you function is greatly controlled by your biological clock. It works like a program in your physical body. The more stable it is the more you can accomplish your daily tasks. The biological clock is also known as circadian rhythm. Its functions encompass the time when you sleep and wake up. Thus, it contributes to your energy at certain times of the day.
If your work requires you to shift your hours all the time, your circadian rhythm will more likely get disrupted. Such sleep-wake disturbances will leave you feeling sluggish. Your mental alertness, the feeling of hunger or stress, heart functions or immune system conditions contribute to your body’s rhythm. If you can sync your body clock with your daily routine, you will surely get the most out of your day.
How It Affects Your Health

Your circadian rhythm affects your eating habits, hormone levels, motor functions, digestion, and body temperature. If your circadian rhythm is interrupted, your body tends to lose its balance as well from not being able to function well. Diabetes, sleeping disorders and seasonal affective disorders are a few of the health risks one can suffer from an unstable biological clock.
Activities to Help Stabilise Your Circadian Rhythm
If your control your sleep and wake cycle, your biological clock will start to become more stable. Bedtime routines can help and a whole lot of discipline. You can align your sleeping schedule with your daytime chores so you can make the most of the day.
Eating at the right time can also help your circadian rhythm follow a schedule. Food intake is an activity that will give you the energy to suffice your daily activities. Thus, it is best to keep your eating schedule at the right time.

To get the most of your workouts, adjust your time for exercise when you need that extra push of adrenaline and endorphin. Apart from helping you improve your biological clock, it will also help prevent sleeping disorders.
When you are sharpest in the morning, do tasks that need your mental power to their optimum level. So, it is ideal to schedule your tasks according to the schedule of your brain’s level of alertness.
How to Change Your Circadian Rhythm
- Establish a sleep schedule and discipline yourself to get up as your alarm goes off.
- Forming a habit takes time, so it is important to give it time and be patient.
- Pay attention to your energy levels all throughout the day so you can pair them with your other biological schedules.

The key to success is balance. Without balance, your body’s physical and mental functions will diminish. Having a robust schedule aligned together with your daily tasks, you can make the most of every little thing you do every day.